Author: Steve

31: First Things First

Dear Friends, Deuteronomy 6:6-7 is probably one of the most quoted Scripture references when speaking of home education: “And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when…

30: Count Your Blessings

A few weeks ago I was a guest on a local Christian radio station along with another homeschool family. The host asked me for a favorite song. I chose Count Your Blessings. Here is the first verse and the chorus: When upon life’s billows you…

A Cardiometer for the Inner Man

Weekly Update Feb 13-17, Vol. 6 Last week I had a physical with my family doctor. He gives me the once over and measures my blood pressure, height, weight, etc. But as important as these indicators are to my overall physical health, there is another…


Weekly Update Feb 5-11 Vol. 5 But they delight in the law of the LORD, meditating on it day and night. They are like trees planted along the riverbank, bearing fruit each season. Their leaves never wither, and they prosper in all they do. Psalms…

29: Principal and Teacher

Dear Principal of the School Meeting in Your Home,      My wife and I home educated our four sons over a period of twenty-one years. Our first son began formal education in 1985 and our fourth son graduated in 2005. Most of the daily…

The Imagination Station

Weekly Update Jan 30 – Feb 3, Vol. 4 If I had one opportunity to visit Whit’s End, and enter the Imagination Station* I would choose to be one of the men who were walking on the road from Jerusalem to Emmaus, when Jesus caught…

The Washing of Water with the Word

Weekly Update January 23-27, Vol. 3 Some mornings I experience “Aha” moments studying the word. Other days I read several chapters without discovering any new insights. But I know that these mornings are still profitable as I experience a fresh cleansing through the exposure to…

Weekly Update, Vol. 2

Weekly Update January 16-20, Vol. 2 Like many of you, I am reading through Genesis this month, as well as Matthew. Joseph first appears in the 30th chapter, but we don’t read more about him until the 37th chapter when he becomes the central figure…

Before You Eat…

Weekly Update January 9-13,  Vol. 1 After I recommitted my life to following Jesus Christ, I began to pray before I ate a meal. In my home, I became the designated pray-er to ask God to bless our food. My brothers and Dad complained that…

28: Deuteronomy 6:5

     It is November and a month an a half until the new year. Earlier this year we were searching for ways to “stir up” one another to love and good deeds. And from January 9th to May 28th, 2011, all the families receiving…