Author: Steve

27: Parents as Teachers

     As we begin this school year, I hope we will each be encouraged by meditating on how God has created us to be teachers. As the wise bumper sticker says: Every parent is a teacher, but not every teacher is a parent. A….

24: I Like Us

     Gratefulness and contentment are decidedly Christian virtues. They are rooted in an understanding of God’s purposes, as well as His wisdom, love, and sovereignty. At a family camp last summer, I had a mom recount to me how her husband would come home when…

23: Faithful Fathers

     In speaking to men, I regularly encourage them to focus on being faithful instead of successful. Recently I had a man ask me what I thought a faithful man looked like. This question has caused me to ponder what God calls a faithful…

22: To The Dads

I am adding the following note to Dad at the beginning of the new revised Christian Home and Family Worship. I hope it will encourage and edify each of you.      “Let me congratulate you for beginning to read this book. God has worked in…

21: R & R & R

     According to a recent poll, the number one New Year’s resolution is to spend more time with family. While that may be so for many people, I believe this resolution would have to be amended for readers of this newsletter, to spending more…

20: Happy 34th Anniversary

     Thirty-four years ago today I set out to read my Bible daily. Looking back, which is what old men do, I recognize this habit as one of the most significant events in my life. This practice of reading a portion of God’s word…

19: Deuteronomy, David, First Things First

     First When I am asked what my vision for a Christian home looks like I usually respond, “Where each lives for the other, and all live for Christ”. In light of a recent meeting with men in Illinois, I am rethinking this statement….

18: Kindred Spirits

     Anne of Green Gables always wanted a friend who was a kindred spirit. I have been blessed with the opportunity to meet hundreds, perhaps thousands, of kindred spirits. What qualifies someone for this group is not what they do, or how they dress,…