Author: Steve

Convictions – Part 1

Last year, for the first time, I was asked by a reader what my belief was about the nature and person of Christ. I recognized I have never clearly articulated my assumptions and convictions. Now seems a good time to begin.   My first declaration…

Debt is a spiritual issue. My main problem with those who are perpetually spending beyond their means, with their out-go surpassing their in-come, is that they presume upon the future.

Podcast 120: I Owe I Owe, It’s Off to Work I Go

       Debt is a spiritual issue. My primary concern with spending beyond my means, with my out-go surpassing my in-come, is I am presuming upon the future. Presume means to take for granted that tomorrow will be the same as today.    …

It seems that the majority of problems that a married couple will face are related to money.

Podcast 119: Marriage and Money

       It seems that the majority of problems that a married couple will face are related to money. Conflicts arise about who makes it, who spends it, how it is spent, should they go into debt, and what are their long term goals…

In November I was attending a conference when I heard some sobering statistics from a representative of Back to the Bible. After surveying over 200,000 people for many years, they discovered the magic number of 4.

Engaging with the Bible in 2017

In November I was attending a conference when I heard some sobering statistics from a representative of Back to the Bible. After surveying over 200,000 people for many years, they discovered the magic number of 4.   “A key discovery from the CBE(Center for Biblical…

Two of the reasons I work are to provide for my family now, and leave an inheritance for the future. Saving money for the future encompasses physical assets and a spiritual legacy.

Podcast 118: Leaving An Inheritance

       Two of the reasons I work are to provide for my family now, and leave an inheritance for the future. Saving money for the future encompasses physical assets and a spiritual legacy.        “Blessed is the man who fears the…

Providing for my “own household” is my job as a parent and as a Christian.

Podcast 116: Providing for Your Family

       “But if any provides not for his own, and specially his own household, he hath denied the faith, and is worse than an unbeliever”. 1 Timothy 5:8 (ASV)        This passage is speaking directly to caring for widows, but it…

As I have begun my annual journey through scripture I encountered four unique prophecies which were fulfilled to the letter in the first few chapters of Matthew.

A Man of His Word

As I have begun my annual journey through scripture I encountered four unique prophecies which were fulfilled to the letter in the first few chapters of Matthew. Events were shaped and people were seamlessly integrated into this narrative, to insure the inspired eternal word was…

Listen to the latest episode of the Building Faith Families podcast to learn what the Bible says about God's command to work.

Podcast 115: Work is a God Thing

       “Six days you shall labor, and do all your work, but the seventh day is a Sabbath to the Lord your God” (Exodus 20:9-10)        Work is good. God called man to be a steward and tend the garden which…

Whether you are a supportee or a supporter, endeavor to support those who are serving in the church and in other ministries as you would want to be supported if you were in their position.

Podcast 114: Compensation for Church Workers

       “So then, as we have opportunity, let us do good to everyone, and especially to those who are of the household of faith.” (Galatians 6:10)        Whether you are a supportee or a supporter, endeavor to support those who are…