Author: Steve

As parents, we want to make thoughtful decisions based on what we are for and what we value.

Podcast 45: Making Wise Decisions as a Family

  Co-Host Scott Moore begins by asking Steve a question about his family and how to make wise decisions about how to spend their time and which activities to pursue and which to let go of. This leads to a whole episode where we discuss…

“Praise God we were able to complete all 40 days! And plan on continuing 40 more days, and then some. Hope you have a great weekend!” Read Steve Demme's blog post.

58: The Culmination of the 40 Day Challenge

The Culmination of the 40 Day Challenge   I have already begun hearing from some of you about your experience meeting together as a family for the past 40 days. Here is what one family shared:   “Praise God we were able to complete all…

Scripture teaches that valleys, or difficult experiences, are not abnormal for God’s people.

Podcast 40: Valleys Are Normal, Finding Hope – Part 3

I used to skip through the Beatitudes to more comforting verses in Matthew, but scripture teaches that valleys, or difficult experiences, are not abnormal for God’s people. They are the norm.   Matthew 5:3 “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom…

Personal struggles and difficulties often come with a significant grief component.

Podcast 39: Grieving in the Valley, Finding Hope – Part 2

Life can be hard. Personal struggles and difficulties often come with a significant grief component. This painful experience changed my view of the Christian life. I had become a Christian for the perks, heaven, forgiveness of sin, joy, peace, but I didn’t understand suffering. Suffering…

"Throughout this year, God has been steadily, and persistently, encouraging me to spend time with Him each day, before "doing." Read Steve Demme's blog post.

57: Above All, Put On Love

Above All, Put On Love        Throughout this year, God has been steadily, and persistently, encouraging me to spend time with Him each day, before “doing”. He has been having me focus on “being still” and “waiting on Him”. I find myself reveling…