
In this episode, Steve will reflect on the new friends he and his family have made in the world of disability.

Podcast 43: A Whole New Group Of People, Finding Hope – Part 6


In this episode, Steve will reflect on the new friends he and his family have made in the world of disability. They have learned that every human being is created in God’s image and bears God’s divine imprint. And each believer has something unique to supply to the body of Christ. We all reflect some aspect of our Creator.
As a result of the fall, we are all disabled in some capacity, either emotionally, mentally, physically, or spiritually. Some are disabled on the outside, and others on the inside, but we all are needy. We each reflect God’s image liked cracked mirrors.
We hope you will enjoy meeting Reuben, Mike, David, Jane, and Chris and how they reflect God’s glory.

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