For many years, our best seller at conventions has been Hymns for Family Worship, which has 100 hymns along with their histories and piano accompanim...
In the last newsletter we ended with an exhortation to bind the strong man in our homes and culture. This is a privilege and a responsibility. As par...
I have long recognized that the family is the foundation for society. Healthy God-fearing families are the starting point for healthy thriving church...
It has been 40 years since my wife and I attended our first homeschool conference. We eagerly drank in the content from speakers such as Raymond and ...
As God helps me to faithfully read the Bible each year, I regularly receive new insights. The Word of God is indeed living and active! For example, f...
I had just finished my workshop and opened it up for people to ask questions or give feedback. One man asked a question that I am still pondering. He...