Author: Steve

Podcast 6: Abide in My Love

       Building families of faith begins with each of us having a personal vital relationship with Jesus. Then we begin to build a foundation for our home on the word of God with Jesus as the cornerstone.      Jesus loves us and…

Podcast 5: Loved Unconditionally and Eternally

       The best gift we can give our children, is to love them unconditionally. When they are loved like this, it prepares them to receive grace, or God’s unconditional love. But we can’t give what we have not received. So how do we experience…

During this Holy Day season, let’s consider the role of the Holy Spirit in the birth of Jesus and his near kinsman John.

47: The Presence of the Spirit at the Incarnation

     In the October Newsletter, I made this comment. “Jesus was not only helped to die with the assistance of the Spirit, but as we will see, every aspect of His earthly ministry was linked to the Spirit.” The third person of the Trinity was…

Podcast 2: The Heart of God

           What does God have to say in His word of God about building families? We will be studying verses along this line in successive broadcasts, but before examining scripture, let’s consider the heart of God. I have an affinity for…

Podcast 1: Introduction

     How do you build a Christian family? We know that God designed the family, but what does a godly home look like? Many of us have grown up in homes that were not faith based and are seeking to understand how to build…

I could have turned up the music or made some calls, but I let my heart get still and quiet. Fortunately I was not alone.

46: The Divine Comforter

     This summer, I was driving along the Interstate, headed to a family camp. After we had spent some of June and most of July at my Mom’s bedside, and then conducted two memorial services, this was one of the first times I had…

Many years ago I purchased a book called Through the Eternal Spirit.

45: The Eternal Spirit

     Many years ago I purchased a book called Through the Eternal Spirit. That phrase “Through the Eternal Spirit” is found in Hebrews 9:14. It is not a verse that is often quoted or referred to in discussions about the Holy Spirit, yet is…

Over Labor Day weekend I had the privilege of attending the Annual Family Retreat at Miracle Mountain Ranch in NW Pennsylvania.

44: Summer Update

Dear Extended Family,   Thank You      As many of you know, Sandi, John, and I traveled to Pittsburgh August 18 for a Memorial Service for my Mom who lived 76 years there. Thank you to all who prayed and supported us. God met…