Author: Steve

As we appreciate afresh the goodness of the gospel, we also understand more about the nature and character of God Himself.

Podcast 99: New Life in Christ

       After death comes life. Resurrection follows crucifixion. God rebuilds us and this process, this journey, continues as we grow in our understanding of grace and the good news. As we appreciate afresh the goodness of the gospel, we also understand more about…

"This kind of love is perfect. And this perfect love, casts out, banishes, and expels every particle of fear."

Perfect Love

Perfect Love   Last weekend I drove to a conference in Michigan. When I have several free hours on the road I often use the time to call friends and keep in touch. On Sunday I had a wonderful conversation with Chris. He told me…

“God offers life, but not an improved old life. The life He offers is life out of death. It stands always on the far side of the cross.”

Podcast 98: The Old Cross and the New Cross

       “God offers life, but not an improved old life. The life He offers is life out of death. It stands always on the far side of the cross.” The title of this broadcast and the first quote, originate in a pamphlet written…

In losing our life, we find our life. In dying we bear fruit.

Podcast 95: Real Men Die

       God created men to lead their families. He also created and called them to lay their lives down for their wives and children. In losing our life, we find our life. In dying we bear fruit. Join us for this sober, yet…

Spring is a time for renewal, rebirth, and doing. But God’s still small voice is calling me to first abide.


Abiding   January 1 is the official beginning of the New Year, but I think spring is when my motor begins to rev up. April is the month when I think of landscaping projects and new ideas for ministry. Spring is a time for renewal,…

If I could get in a time machine, or travel though the Imagination Station at Whit’s End, I would like be with Chloe and his friend on the road to Emmaus when Jesus pointed out all the places where His coming and crucifixion were foreshadowed.

Podcast 92: Seeing Jesus In The Word

       If I could get in a time machine, or travel though the Imagination Station at Whit’s End, I would like be with Cleopas and his friend on the road to Emmaus when Jesus pointed out all the places where His coming and…

“This is the confidence that we have toward him, that if we ask anything according to his will he hears us."

Podcast 91: My Favorite Prayer Verse

       “This is the confidence that we have toward him, that if we ask anything according to his will he hears us. And if we know that he hears us in whatever we ask, we know that we have the requests that we…