Author: Steve

"Instead of examining ourselves regularly to see if we are coveting, I suggest we take the opposite tack and pray to be content." Listen to the podcast to learn more.

Podcast 106: Trusting God & Being Content

       I believe the best defense is a good offense and if we focus on the positives we can ward off the negatives. Instead of examining ourselves regularly to see if we are coveting, I suggest we take the opposite tack and pray…

"Knowing Jesus loves me as His Father loved Him has transformed my life. Having my eyes opened to the New Commandment has changed the way I look at loving my wife and children."

A New Look at the Marriage Relationship

A New Look at the Marriage Relationship   In John 15:9, Jesus says to His disciples, “AS the Father has loved me, so have I loved you.” In John 13:34 and again in John 15:12, Jesus goes on to say we are to love one…

"God is King over all the earth. He appoints His children to be faithful stewards of all that rightfully belongs to Him."

Podcast 104: Faithful Stewards

       God is King over all the earth. He appoints His children to be faithful stewards of all that rightfully belongs to Him. We are not owners but careful managers of His possessions. “Moreover, it is required of stewards that they be found…

Listen to this episode of the Building Faith Families podcast to hear a wonderful story from a homeschool convention that I spoke at recently.

Podcast 103: Out of the Mouth of Babes

       This weekend I had the privilege to speak at the state homeschool convention in Portland, Oregon. On Friday I had a few men’s workshops and offered The Christian Home and Family Worship for free to those who would commit to reading it…

Our own media chooses what we see and without being aware, we become discouraged and lose hope. But this incomplete picture is not accurate because it leaves out the main player, our Great God.

Podcast 102: True Perspective or Denethor’s Disease

       In The Lord of the Rings Trilogy by J.R.R. Tolkien there are seeing stones or palantiri. These stones could not show false images, but they could select which images were seen to create a misleading illusion of the state of the world….

I recently had the privilege of speaking at the state homeschool convention in Portland, Oregon, where one of the men there told me a wonderful story of an interaction he had with his daughter.

Out of the Mouth of Babes

Out of the Mouth of Babes   I recently had the privilege of speaking at the state homeschool convention in Portland, Oregon. On Friday I had a few men’s workshops and offered The Christian Home and Family Worship for free, to those who would commit…

For most of us in the Northern Hemisphere, summer is a time to recharge. It is a break from the normal routine and we often plan our vacations for this time of year to spend time with family and be refreshed.

Summer Refreshment

Summer Refreshment   (Last minute note from Steve) This letter was scheduled to go out last night or this morning, but in light of tragic events that recently transpired I waited to send it out. But as I prayed about this topic, I recognized it…