Author: Steve

When we die, it will be nice if they miss us and say nice things about us, but it will be eternally wonderful if they say he was a super dad who had a Great Savior!

Podcast 173: Influence of Fathers – Part 5

       When we die, it will be nice if they miss us and say nice things about us, but it will be eternally wonderful if they say he was a super dad who had a Great Savior!   Subscribe to the Building Faith…

In the past few months, several dear friends of mine have experienced death and separation. I have grieved with parents who lost children and husbands who have lost wives. During difficult seasons like this I find myself reliving hard times I have known when I have lost loved ones. I am reminded of promises of God which have brought me comfort and hope when I have walked through dark valleys of grief.

God’s Presence in God’s Promises

     In the past few months, several dear friends of mine have experienced death and separation. I have grieved with parents who lost children and husbands who have lost wives. During difficult seasons like this I find myself reliving hard times I have known…

Our focus is on specific ways Jesus loves us and how we can love our family the same way.

Podcast 172: Influence of Fathers – Part 4

       Jesus said, “As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you.” (John 15:9). Then he exhorted us, “As I have loved you, love one another.” (John 15:12). Our focus is on specific ways Jesus loves us and how we can…

Most of us parent as we have been parented. Or we parent as we wish we had been parented.

Podcast 171: Influence of Fathers – Part 3

       Most of us parent as we have been parented. Or we parent as we wish we had been parented. Beginning in Genesis we observe generational patterns among the patriarchs. The consider how God the Father loved His Son.   Subscribe to the…

In this second episode, we consider commands directed to dads and discuss what provokes and exasperates children.

Podcast 170: Influence of Fathers – Part 2

       “Don’t worry that children never listen to you; worry that they are always watching you.” ~Robert Fulghum. In this second episode, we consider commands directed to dads and discuss what provokes and exasperates children. “Fathers, do not provoke your children to anger,…

You have probably come to the same conclusion as I have, that the only perfect father in scripture is God the Father. The relationship He shared with Jesus was amazing and I wish I was able to observe more of their interactions so I could be a better dad to my four sons.


     I don’t expect to be a perfect father, but I do want to be a good one. I have searched the scriptures for commands directed to fathers. I have also read accounts of dads in the Bible and how they impacted the lives…

In this first part of our series we are exploring the influence of fathers in scripture.

Podcast 169: Influence of Fathers – Part 1

       More than half of American children are growing up in fatherless homes. 85% of men in prison are fatherless as as 90% of all homeless and runaway children. In this first part of our series we are exploring the influence of fathers…

I had the privilege of speaking at several conferences this Spring. What impressed me about the event in Winnipeg was how the people attending did not only hear the message, they applied what they were learning. Their attitude reminded me of the wise and foolish folks in the Sermon on the Mount.

Podcast 167: Wise Canadians

       I had the privilege of speaking at several conferences this Spring. What impressed me about the event in Winnipeg was how the people attending did not only hear the message, they applied what they were learning. Their attitude reminded me of the…