For Young Adults and Parents
Slaying Lions and Honoring Parents
In examining the life of David, Steve gleans helpful insights into the battles facing young people today. This workshop will clarify the issues, and encourage our youth to stand strong in their faith. All scripture is inspired and profitable for Christians of all ages, and in all ages.
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Daily Bible Reading & Personal Devotions
This workshop is applicable for any earnest Christian who desires to develop this habit or needs encouragement to keep at it. How and why to have a daily quiet time, tips for making the time more effective, and reading through the Bible are a few of the topics to be considered. After examining the Scriptures and hearing about Steve’s own experience and that of other Christians, all will be encouraged to continue to grow in their walk with God.
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What About Youth Groups and Sunday Schools
Steve examines the history of the Sunday School movement, modern youth ministry, and shares his experience of coming to Christ at a summer youth camp. He then addresses this topic, having served many years as a Sunday School teacher, youth group leader, summer camp counselor, and summer camp director.
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Courtship vs Dating
Steve shares his testimony of seeking a wife having practiced a form of courtship over 30 years ago. He also shares his observations of modern dating in the world and the church. Beginning with a short study of marriage in scripture, this is a timely exhortation to know to put God first and be led by the Spirit in finding a life partner.
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