Author: Steve

Recently I was singing praises to God as I was walking. I had just finished singing the Doxology, and then felt led to sing To God Be the Glory...

To God Be the Glory

Great Things He is Doing      Recently I was singing praises to God as I was walking. I had just finished singing the Doxology, and then felt led to sing To God Be the Glory.       To God be the glory, great things…

Special Guest Jaime Saint, the son of Steve Saint and president of ITEC, provides a unique model for fulfilling the Great Commission.

Podcast 194: Special Guest Jaime Saint

       Special Guest Jaime Saint, the son of Steve Saint and president of ITEC, provides a unique model for fulfilling the Great Commission.   Subscribe to the Building Faith Families podcast on iTunes.

It is obvious that the secular world chooses to place dispiriting news on the front page of the paper, I expect that. Sadly however, even Christian organizations that I admire, pray for, and support, also disseminate discouraging news. It seems their objective is to show how bad things are, so I will send them more money.

Thy Kingdom Come

When I Am Tempted to be Discouraged      It is obvious that the secular world chooses to place dispiriting news on the front page of the paper, I expect that. Sadly however, even Christian organizations that I admire, pray for, and support, also disseminate…

Last year, I was communing with God and after worshipping, confessing sin, and believing in the blood of Jesus to cleanse me and make me near to God, I asked God to fill me with His Spirit.

Podcast 189: The Fellowship of the Spirit

       Last year, I was communing with God and after worshipping, confessing sin, and believing in the blood of Jesus to cleanse me and make me near to God, I asked God to fill me with His Spirit. In the same thought I…