To God Be the Glory
Great Things He is Doing
Recently I was singing praises to God as I was walking. I had just finished singing the Doxology, and then felt led to sing To God Be the Glory.
To God be the glory, great things He hath done,
So loved He the world that He gave us His Son,
Who yielded His life our redemption to win,
And opened the life-gate that all may go in.
Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, Let the earth hear His voice;
Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, Let the people rejoice;
Oh, come to the Father, through Jesus the Son,
And give Him the glory; great things He hath done.
As I sang, I noticed I was praising God for what “He hath done” in the past. I then changed the words slightly and began singing, “To God be the glory, great things HE IS DOING.” I also sang, “To God be the glory, great things HE WILL DO.”
Privilege to Believe
I can read the inspired record of Scripture about God’s wonderful acts creating the word in 6 days, delivering the children of Israel from Egypt, establishing David’s throne, sending Jesus to die for our sins, and then equipping us by sending the Holy Spirit. These events and other historical verities provide enough fodder to praise God for millennia.
While it is right to honor God for what He has accomplished up to date, it is also a privilege to stand with God and honor Him for what He is doing. This requires faith, for we don’t have a record or a divine perspective on how our God is shaping and governing in the affairs of men right now.
We sense we are engaged in a great conflict, nevertheless our hearts also bear witness that God is God . He is alive and ruling now, and He will rule and reign forever and ever.
“Know therefore today, and lay it to your heart, that the LORD is God in heaven above and on the earth beneath; there is no other.” (Deuteronomy 4:39)
To praise God when we do not see as He does requires faith in the nature and character of our Savior. We are not declaring that God is doing and will do great things because of what we see or hear, but because of who He is. When we join the countless multitude in heaven we will sing God’s praise for we shall see Jesus established on His throne with our eyes. Now we have the opportunity to affirm His Lordship by faith.
“Faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.” (Hebrews 11:1)
Faith at Home
One of the workshops I have been asked to present at conventions this year is called Jacob, Walking with a Limp and Embracing Brokenness. As I have studied the life of Jacob, my faith has been strengthened as I have witnessed God’s will be accomplished in the life of this needy man. God makes promises to Jacob, and despite many and varied obstacles along with significant character flaws, fulfills His word to him and transforms Him into a new creature, with a new name. Even as I read the record of his life, I am tempted to wonder how God could use Jacob, but God is fully in control and we see Israel emerge, a limping, humble, and godly patriarch.
Since God has worked so wonderfully in the life of Jacob, then I am encouraged to believe all of God’s promises to me. All things worked together for good for Jacob. All things are working together for good for all of God’s people. Amen!
Opportunity to Stand With God
I know, like David knew, that God is for me. I know that He will help me when I need Him. I want God to know that I love Him and trust Him and am standing with Him. I learned there was a fourth verse to Jesus Loves Me which goes like this:
I love Jesus does He know have I ever told him so?
Jesus likes to hear me say, that I love Him everyday
I think we have the opportunity to bless God by letting Him know that we love Him and even though we don’t understand everything He is doing, are still on His team. Maybe our Psalm would be something like this: We believe in your goodness, your wisdom, and your power. We are fully confident that you are divinely orchestrating all things for our good!
Standing with the King of kings and Lord of Lords for what He has done, is doing, and will do!
Upcoming Podcasts
#195 Peter Greer: President of Hope International, on Christian Microfinance
#196-197 Roger Erdvig, Christian Coach on Asking Good Questions
#198-200 Steve Demme on the life of Jacob, Walking with a Limp and Embracing Brokenness
Speaking Schedule for April/May
I hope to see some of you at these conventions. If you can’t come in person, could you tuck in a prayer for God to bless these events? Thank you!
Alberta HomeSchool Convention, April 11-13
Great Homeschool Convention in Cincinnati, April 25-27
Texas HomeSchool Coalition, May 9-11
Michigan HomeSchool Conference, May 17-18
Illinois HomeSchool Convention, May 31-June 2
More Information on Sign Language Videos
Some of you have expressed interest in learning sign language. I have posted several short videos on this youtube channel. Each video is 1/3 of a chapter from the book Signing, Speaking with Your Hands, by Elaine Costello.