Author: Steve

One of the ways that Jesus loved me is by serving.

From the Teaching to the Teacher

The new commandment that Jesus articulated in John 13:34 is to love one another as I have loved you, or to love others as we have been loved. One of the ways that Jesus loved me the disciples was by serving them.   With that…

We are to honor the Lord, our parents, widows, the elderly, pastors, and the emperor, but how do we do it?

Podcast 76: Esteem One Another Highly

       One of the most important and least discussed attributes, is the attitude of honor that emanates from the heart. We are to honor the Lord, our parents, widows, the elderly, pastors, and the emperor, but how do we do it? What is…

In this episode I discuss the benefits of reading “every word that comes from the mouth of God” and doing so “daily”. 

Podcast 75: A Significant Anniversary

       On September 20, 1976 I began reading the scripture every day with the goal of reading through the bible in a calendar year. This has been the best investment of my time and the most productive discipline I have engaged in as…

One of the reasons I first began talking about understanding each other came from the information we learned about personalities.

Podcast 74: Personalities

       One of the reasons I first began talking about understanding each other came from the information we learned about personalities. I had the opportunity to learn about how we are wired and it was a wonderful resource for understanding my wife and…

In this episode we are discussing godly communication as an essential part of understanding each other and building each other up.

Podcast 73: Speaking The Truth With Love

       When I consider speech that does not crush the spirit of the listener, I think of Jesus who is described in Matthew 12:20, “A bruised reed he will not break, and a smoldering wick he will not quench.” One of the main…

I usually like to write something upbeat and encouraging, or share some new insight that I have received. But I have had a dry month.

Dry Times, Labor Day Contest, Online Seminar

I apologize for not sending an August Newsletter, but that was a tough month for me. I usually like to write something upbeat and encouraging, or share some new insight that I have received. But I have had a dry month. My relationship with God…

How was Jesus loved by God? How was He helped to deny Himself and die?

Podcast 72: Learn of Me

       In Matthew 11:28 Jesus says, “Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me,”        In this episode we will seek to learn…

The heart is the real man. It is the essence of a person. Although we often hide our inward man, when all is stripped away, it is who we are.

Podcast 71: Turning the Heart

       The heart is the real man. It is the essence of a person. Although we often hide our inward man, when all is stripped away, it is who we are. “Keep your heart with all vigilance, for from it flow the springs…