
Over Labor Day weekend I had the privilege of attending the Annual Family Retreat at Miracle Mountain Ranch in NW Pennsylvania.

44: Summer Update

Dear Extended Family,   Thank You      As many of you know, Sandi, John, and I traveled to Pittsburgh August 18 for a Memorial Service for my Mom who lived 76 years there. Thank you to all who prayed and supported us. God met…

This coming weekend, our family will be traveling to Pittsburgh to meet many of Mom’s friends and conduct a memorial service at the church she faithfully attended since she was 11.

43: You Call His Name Jesus

     This coming weekend, our family will be traveling to Pittsburgh to meet many of Mom’s friends and conduct a memorial service at the church she faithfully attended since she was 11 (pray for the gospel to be spoken clearly and be received by…

Throughout the 2013 conference season I took copies of the book “The Christian Home and Family Worship” to each fair.

42: Challenge for Dads

     Throughout the 2013 conference season I took copies of the book “The Christian Home and Family Worship” to each fair. I challenged Dads to read it within 30 days to keep the book for free, or send me a check for 25.00. 🙂…

41: Kindred Spirits

     For some of you, this is your first Building Faith Families newsletter. Welcome! This installment begins with a short exhortation “Kindred Spirits”, followed by three short sections: I Need Help, Family Camp, and the Bible Reading Competition. I hope you are encouraged by…

40: A New Commandment

     Throughout this year I have been writing about how much God loves us. How much he likes us and desires a relationship with each one of His children. Our relationship with our heavenly father sets the tone for our relationships with our earthly…

39: Who, Not What

     God’s love for each one of us is not based on what we do but who we are. When we respond and believe the gospel we become new creatures in Christ1. We are adopted into the family of God and are now His…

38: Lessons from the Exit Row

     One of the first lessons I learned as a new believer is to not trust your feelings. This was taught to me especially in the area of receiving forgiveness from sin. I memorized 1 John 1:9 and later added verses from Psalm 51…

37: Divine Love

     As I have allowed the love of God to reach my heart, I am seeing such good fruit in my ability to love others, particularly those who are closest to me, my wife and my children. When we are secure and accepted in the…

36: Halftime

In the previous newsletter we embraced the first half of the gospel: 2 Corinthians 5:21a “For our sake, he made him to be sin, who knew no sin…” But we still have more good news to encompass. 2 Corinthians 5:21b “So that in him, we…

35: God Revealed His Great Love

The last missive was entitled Rooted and Grounded in Love. In this email we will be reading about how God chose to reveal His love to us. Let’s begin with prayer.      Prayer: Father, according to the inspired word of God, let us be…

34: Rooted and Grounded

     Last Fall I wrote about my journey to love God and be loved by Him, in the September newsletter entitled “First Things First”. Here is one paragraph from this article.      I see with new eyes that the best thing I can…

33: When All Around My Soul Gives Way

This phrase is taken from the third stanza of “Solid Rock”: His oath, His covenant, His blood Support me in the whelming flood; When all around my soul gives way, He then is all my hope and stay.        Several times this year…