
"This new contest is to encourage those who are just beginning to have regular times of family worship." Read Steve Demme's blog post.

56: New 2014 Labor Day Family Worship Contest

New 2014 Labor Day Family Worship Contest        Many of you reading this letter have just signed up to receive the newsletter in 2014. This new contest is to encourage those who are just beginning to have regular times of family worship. We…

"As Christians we have three enemies, the world, the flesh, and the devil. I find that the most subtle foe and the hardest to discern, is the world." Read Steve Demme's blog post.

55: Building a Family by Faith

    As Christians we have three enemies, the world, the flesh, and the devil. I find that the most subtle foe and the hardest to discern, is the world. The most succinct description of the “world” is found in 1 John 2.    …

"Communication is the fodder of relationship. It is the lifeline of connection with another person." Read Steve Demme's blog post.

53: Communication from the Heart

Bible Contest       For those who are keeping track of how many days you have read the bible in 2014, either as families or individually, we are having trouble fixing the website for you to log in your numbers. At the end of…

Paul says that we are to “bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.” Galatians 6:2 What does it mean to bear someone’s burden?

51: The Fine Art of Bearing

    Paul says that we are to “bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.” Galatians 6:2 What does it mean to bear someone’s burden?       After two newsletters about being real, open, and vulnerable about our needs, how…

A new book to enrich your home is available, and the Building Faith Families website is new and improved

50: Updates to Building Faith Families

Spring is Sprung, the Grass is Green, We’re publishing a new book, A New Website can be Seen.     I’m not a poet, but my feet sure show it, they are long fellows. 🙂 (size 14) In the Northern Hemisphere, this is the first…

Friends, we need each other. And we need each other the most, when we are in the thick of our difficulties, not after the fact.

48: Bearing One Another’s Burdens

     This is not a New Year’s Resolution, you may relax. But it is an exhortation. I have recently spoken to people who have been through a difficult season in their life. I noticed they didn’t reach out for help when they were most needy….

During this Holy Day season, let’s consider the role of the Holy Spirit in the birth of Jesus and his near kinsman John.

47: The Presence of the Spirit at the Incarnation

     In the October Newsletter, I made this comment. “Jesus was not only helped to die with the assistance of the Spirit, but as we will see, every aspect of His earthly ministry was linked to the Spirit.” The third person of the Trinity was…

I could have turned up the music or made some calls, but I let my heart get still and quiet. Fortunately I was not alone.

46: The Divine Comforter

     This summer, I was driving along the Interstate, headed to a family camp. After we had spent some of June and most of July at my Mom’s bedside, and then conducted two memorial services, this was one of the first times I had…

Many years ago I purchased a book called Through the Eternal Spirit.

45: The Eternal Spirit

     Many years ago I purchased a book called Through the Eternal Spirit. That phrase “Through the Eternal Spirit” is found in Hebrews 9:14. It is not a verse that is often quoted or referred to in discussions about the Holy Spirit, yet is…