
God was everything to David. In the first verse of Psalm 23, David declares, “The LORD is my Shepherd, I have everything I need.” (Good News Translation)

Living Vertically

God was everything to David. In the first verse of Psalm 23, David declares, “The LORD is my Shepherd, I have everything I need.” (Good News Translation)    A survey of the BibleGateway’s usage data reveals the Psalms to be the most read book in…

I felt the Holy Spirit ask me what I knew about God. I responded that God was King, and He was good, and He was near, and then many other attributes of God’s character began to form in my mind.

I Know Whom I Have Believed

As I have been feasting on Psalm 23, I was struck by a phrase in the first line. He didn’t say the Lord is ‘A’ Shepherd, but the Lord is ‘MY’ Shepherd. We know David was himself a shepherd on the hills of Judea and he knew what it took to be…

Over the years God has quickened parts of this inspired Psalm at different seasons of my life.

‏A Sheep Reflects on Psalm 23

‏You are With Me   ‏Over the years God has quickened parts of this inspired Psalm at different seasons of my life. When I was a young believer, I hoped I would escape life’s problems after I asked Jesus to forgive my sins and be…

The words which God brought to me were: “The one who knows me best, loves me most.”

Fellow Worshipers and Kindred Spirits

One of the benefits of having a newsletter is sharing by email what I forgot to say when I was present. A few weeks ago I had the opportunity to speak at a church retreat. During one of the sessions I skipped this paragraph in…

I heard a young man speak about the parable of the sower(recorded in Matthew, Mark, Luke) at our local prayer breakfast. He noted we often focus on the soil when we read the words of Jesus, but his attention had been drawn to meditate on the sower.

Faithful Sowers

I heard a young man speak about the parable of the sower(recorded in Matthew, Mark, Luke) at our local men’s prayer breakfast. He noted we often focus on the soil when we read the words of Jesus, but his attention had been drawn to meditate…

If you have heard me speak since 2013, you know how John 15:9-12 has transformed my life. The truth that God loves and likes me is revealed in verse 9, “As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you.” Verse 12 provides a vision for how I am to love my family, as He has loved me. “This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you.”

Life, Hope, and Love through Death

If you have heard me speak since 2013, you know how John 15:9-12 has transformed my life. The truth that God loves and likes me is revealed in verse 9, “As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you.” Verse 12 provides a…

Since God is love and God is good, we are assured His in-spirited word flows from a heart of love and was written for our good.

Convictions – Part 3

The Word of God is Eternal, Inspired, Accurate, and Profitable   Since God is love and God is good, we are assured His in-spirited word flows from a heart of love and was written for our good. This passage in Deuteronomy 5:29 expresses this conviction…

Love is not simply one of many attributes of God. Love is His nature. It is His essence. God is love. All the time. From the inside out. God oozes love from every pore of His divine being. Love is not part of His DNA, Love is His DNA.

Convictions – Part 2

Prizes and Rewards   One more week in February. If you are still keeping track of how many days you are reading or listening to, some portion of scripture, send me your totals on February 28th and I will arrange for you to receive your…

Convictions – Part 1

Last year, for the first time, I was asked by a reader what my belief was about the nature and person of Christ. I recognized I have never clearly articulated my assumptions and convictions. Now seems a good time to begin.   My first declaration…

In November I was attending a conference when I heard some sobering statistics from a representative of Back to the Bible. After surveying over 200,000 people for many years, they discovered the magic number of 4.

Engaging with the Bible in 2017

In November I was attending a conference when I heard some sobering statistics from a representative of Back to the Bible. After surveying over 200,000 people for many years, they discovered the magic number of 4.   “A key discovery from the CBE(Center for Biblical…

As I have begun my annual journey through scripture I encountered four unique prophecies which were fulfilled to the letter in the first few chapters of Matthew.

A Man of His Word

As I have begun my annual journey through scripture I encountered four unique prophecies which were fulfilled to the letter in the first few chapters of Matthew. Events were shaped and people were seamlessly integrated into this narrative, to insure the inspired eternal word was…

What does the Bible say about Jesus being a humble king?

Humble King

How Silently   Though He was, and is, King of Kings and Lord of Lords, his coming was inauspicious and without fanfare. Except for an angelic pronouncement to a few timid shepherds, he made his entrance into our world quietly. His parents were unassuming and…