
Be of Good Courage

Be of Good Courage Last Saturday night I had the privilege of attending our annual PA Family Institute banquet. I was very encouraged. I pray for our state almost daily, binding the strong man and believing for God’s will to be done in Pennsylvania as…

In the northern hemisphere, many families are resuming full time home education. While I know of folks who home educate all year long, the end of August or the first week of September generally marks the start of a new year teaching and learning together.

A New School Year

In the northern hemisphere, many families are resuming full time home education. While I know of folks who home educate all year long, the end of August or the first week of September generally marks the start of a new year teaching and learning together. …

During my third year of seminary, a young man from South India arrived on campus. This was his first experience living outside of India. We soon became fast friends as I sought to explain the traditions and customs of Americans.

Man Shall Live by Every Word of God

Man Shall Live by Every Word of God During my third year of seminary, a young man from South India arrived on campus. This was his first experience living outside of India. We soon became fast friends as I sought to explain the traditions and…

A few weeks ago, I was having one of those days, when everything was difficult. After a few hours battling with life I discerned that I was under attack. It was the age old foe, the “accuser of the brethren.” In Revelation 12:10 he is described as a being who “accuses them before our God day and night.” Jesus calls him a liar and the father of lies in John 8:44.

The Sprinkled Blood Speaks

The Sprinkled Blood Speaks A few weeks ago, I was having one of those days, when everything was difficult. After a few hours battling with life I discerned that I was under attack. It was the age old foe, the “accuser of the brethren.” In…

This coming Sunday we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus. Depending on where you attend church, your fellowship may also have services on Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and an early morning Sunrise Service, culminating in the worship service Sunday morning.

De-Feet can be a De-straction

De-Feet can be a De-straction This coming Sunday we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus. Depending on where you attend church, your fellowship may also have services on Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and an early morning Sunrise Service, culminating in the worship service Sunday morning. Maundy…

Two years ago I was at a conference in Texas when the world as we knew it changed. I had spoken Thursday night and Friday, then found myself on a plane home on Saturday. Thus began two years of isolation and quarantine.

Reconnecting and Being Refreshed

Reconnecting and Being Refreshed Two years ago I was at a conference in Texas when the world as we knew it changed. I had spoken Thursday night and Friday, then found myself on a plane home on Saturday. Thus began two years of isolation and…

One year ago we welcomed two dogs into our family. Chesed (right) was 6 and a half years old and a rescue dog.

The Tail of Two Pups

The Tail of Two Pups One year ago we welcomed two dogs into our family. Chesed (right) was 6 and a half years old and a rescue dog. He had been the sire at a puppy mill and lived in a kennel, by himself. When…

I love the 15th chapter of John and look forward to reading it every year. I particularly like the word “abide.” Sadly, this blessed word is not used much outside of Scripture or in older hymns. It is such a good word and verses like Psalm 91:1 have blessed the saints for hundreds of years, “He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will abide in the shadow of the Almighty.”

Pitch Your Tent and Dwell with Jesus

Pitch Your Tent and Dwell with Jesus I love the 15th chapter of John and look forward to reading it every year. I particularly like the word “abide.” Sadly, this blessed word is not used much outside of Scripture or in older hymns. It is…

I have been reflecting on the past year after attending the last session of the year.

A Good Place to Bear Fruit

A Good Place to Bear Fruit My last in-person conference of 2021 was an Iron Sharpens Iron men’s event two weeks ago in Syracuse, NY. It is always a privilege to talk with men about being a servant leader in their home. Since this is…

Last month I had the opportunity visit the Ark Encounter in Williamston, KY. I experienced several emotions as I walked through the different levels of the vessel, watched a video of an interview with Noah, and participated in a virtual reality production of what it may have been like to be on the ark during the flood.

A Solemn and Comforting Encounter at Noah’s Ark

A Solemn and Comforting Encounter at Noah’s Ark At the Ark Last month I had the opportunity visit the Ark Encounter in Williamston, KY. I experienced several emotions as I walked through the different levels of the vessel, watched a video of an interview with…

I hope you enjoyed a blessed Labor Day weekend last week and are experiencing a wonderful beginning to the new school year. As I pondered on this idea of labor, I thought of our labor for the Lord. We are each engaged in two kinds of labor, which I will address in this newsletter: our work in our family and our labor for God.

Labor Day Edition: The Work of Faith.

Labor Day Edition: The Work of Faith. I hope you enjoyed a blessed Labor Day weekend last week and are experiencing a wonderful beginning to the new school year. As I pondered on this idea of labor, I thought of our labor for the Lord….