
Jesus You See, part 2, Help Steve at Conferences in 2020

Jesus You See, part 2     “Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.” (Philippians 4:8)   …

Biblical Husbanding, Jesus You See, Mens Retreat

Biblical Husbanding This past May, Sandi and I celebrated our 40th anniversary. We commemorated this milestone by taking a wonderful trip to the Tetons in Wyoming. It has not been an easy journey, however it has been a good one. We gratefully raise our Ebenezer…

We have just celebrated All Saints Day on the Christian calendar. One saint that I find inspiring, and who I would like to know more about, is Enoch. He is mentioned ten times in scripture from Genesis to Jude, and is one of the heroes of the faith found in Hebrews 11. What I find intriguing is that his personal transformation seems to coincide with becoming a father. For after he had a son, “Enoch walked with God.”

ENOCH, A Transformed Dad

    We have just celebrated All Saints Day on the Christian calendar. One saint that I find inspiring, and who I would like to know more about, is Enoch. He is mentioned ten times in scripture from Genesis to Jude, and is one of the…

This summer I was driving along a familiar stretch of road and I found myself feeling despondent. I had been in a good mood up to this point, but I felt myself slipping into patterns of unhealthy thinking and begin to yield to a cloud of sadness.

This is the Day to Fight for Joy

This summer I was driving along a familiar stretch of road and I found myself feeling despondent. I had been in a good mood up to this point, but I felt myself slipping into patterns of unhealthy thinking and begin to yield to a cloud…

After six months of writing and filming (and four months of editing and proofing), the 2nd Edition of the Stewardship Curriculum has been released.

2nd Edition of Stewardship Math

After six months of writing and filming (and four months of editing and proofing), the 2nd Edition of the Stewardship Curriculum has been released. Testimonials from Families who Assisted in the 2nd Edition Several families had their children be a part of the live audience…

A few weeks ago I had the privilege of speaking at our local homeschool graduation. As I prayed and prepared for my address, I thought of the graduation and commencement of Jesus

The Perfect Graduation/Commencement Gift

A few weeks ago I had the privilege of speaking at our local homeschool graduation. As I prayed and prepared for my address, I thought of the graduation and commencement of Jesus. He had spent thirty years preparing for His life work. He had made…

In 2009 I asked God to help me to love Him with all my heart, soul, mind, and strength. I knew God would answer this prayer because it is according to His will.

Tenth and Fortieth Anniversaries

Ten Years Ago    In 2009 I asked God to help me to love Him with all my heart, soul, mind, and strength. I knew God would answer this prayer because it is according to His will. However I had no idea how He would answer…

Recently I was singing praises to God as I was walking. I had just finished singing the Doxology, and then felt led to sing To God Be the Glory...

To God Be the Glory

Great Things He is Doing      Recently I was singing praises to God as I was walking. I had just finished singing the Doxology, and then felt led to sing To God Be the Glory.       To God be the glory, great things…

It is obvious that the secular world chooses to place dispiriting news on the front page of the paper, I expect that. Sadly however, even Christian organizations that I admire, pray for, and support, also disseminate discouraging news. It seems their objective is to show how bad things are, so I will send them more money.

Thy Kingdom Come

When I Am Tempted to be Discouraged      It is obvious that the secular world chooses to place dispiriting news on the front page of the paper, I expect that. Sadly however, even Christian organizations that I admire, pray for, and support, also disseminate…

In December I completed my annual journey through the scriptures for 2018 and jumped right into Genesis for 2019. It was like coming home and visiting an old friend. Even though I have read Genesis many times, I always look forward to reading these blessed accounts again.

God Shows Up

God Shows Up in the Garden      In December I completed my annual journey through the scriptures for 2018 and jumped right into Genesis for 2019. It was like coming home and visiting an old friend. Even though I have read Genesis many times,…

A few weeks ago, I was seeking God as I walked through my neighborhood. I had progressed through a blessed season of praise, giving thanks, and meditating on His character.

An Eternal Perspective

An Eternal Perspective      A few weeks ago, I was seeking God as I walked through my neighborhood. I had progressed through a blessed season of praise, giving thanks, and meditating on His character. Then I confessed my sins and believed in the blood…