
12: Our Father’s Business

     Many of you reading this newsletter probably learned about it as a result of attending a homeschool convention. Most of my speaking is at state conventions. While Sandi and I did teach and train our sons at home, that is not the main…

11: Building Godly Character

    It is a mark of Moses’ meekness that he was able to receive advice from his wife’s father. But that is not the point of this missive. Jethro had spent only one day with Moses, and he quickly discerned that his son-in-law needed to…

10: Hearts and Home

    The new year is upon us and once again I find myself reading God’s word. A few chapters from Genesis is my old testament portion and one chapter from Matthew rounds out my daily diet. I get just as much “nutrition” from Genesis…

9: An Incredible Promise with Far Reaching Implications

     I think that if you were to quiz parents from any culture, or from any world view, what motivates the decisions that they make for the upbringing and training of their offspring, the universal response would be that their children would have a good life. What defines…

8: Choose Life

This month the scripture will be our primary focus with minimal commentary at the end.      Deuteronomy 30:11 “For this commandment that I command you today is not too hard for you, neither is it far off. 12 It is not in heaven, that you should say,…

7: Fitting, or being Fitted

In traveling around the world, speaking to, and meeting with, devoted parents, a common theme repeatedly emerges. As parents seek to teach their children God’s ways and train them for eternity “talking of them when you are sitting in your house, and when you are walking by the…

6: Rise Up O Men Of God

     I have written in a previous newsletter of my ongoing battle with condemnation. The fruit of condemnation in my life was discouragement and depression. I knew what I should be doing but didn’t have the energy or strength to do it. I was like the man described…

5: En-hakkore

Dear Friends,      After many unsuccessful attempts to have family worship on a regular basis, God helped us to make this a regular part of our home life. One of the concerns I harbored, as the initiator of our devotion time, was that it would be a…

4: No Lone Rangers

     When I first heard and believed the good news, I was at a ranch in Colorado surrounded by other earnest believers. When I returned home and tried to continue my newfound Christian walk, I was alone and faltered. Over the next five years I responded again…

3: Appropriating Grace

     At the beginning of a new year we have high hopes and new plans. But where do we find the grace or the power to fuel our lofty ambitions? How do we receive from the God the divine strength to accomplish what is on our heart?…