
David had a heart after God’s heart which is why God chose him to be king of Israel.

Podcast 64: The Spirit of God came upon David

       David had a heart after God’s heart which is why God chose him to be king of Israel. But when Samuel anointed him, the Spirit came upon him in a new way. The Spirit helped him worship, play the lyre, and fight…

There is a strong connection between loving God and loving His word.

Podcast 63: David, “Oh How I Love Thy Law!”

       David loved God’s word. He loved the truth. There is a strong connection between loving God and loving His word. Jesus is the word, made flesh. May God help us to be lovers of the words of our good God.   Subscribe…

David was a man after God’s own heart. In this episode we explore what it means to love God with all our heart and have God search our hearts and turn them to himself.

Podcast 62: The Heart Of David

  David was a man after God’s own heart. In this episode we explore what it means to love God with all our heart and have God search our hearts and turn them to himself.   Subscribe to the Building Faith Families podcast on iTunes….

"Having carried a burden has made my able to empathize with other’s pain." Listen to Steve Demme's podcast.

Podcast 59: Bear, Don’t Repair

“Bear One Another’s Burden and so Fulfill the law of Christ.” Galatians 6:2      Having carried a burden has made my able to empathize with other’s pain. I am able to tune in to what people are feeling more than ever. My own issues…

"The reality of pain, while not on the same level as the gospel, has been a life changer for me." Listen to Steve Demme's podcast.

Podcast 58: Life Is Hard

     The reality of pain, while not on the same level as the gospel, has been a life changer for me. When I was in the throes of my personal crisis in 2012 I wanted the pain to cease and life to resume a…

"Bottom line, the best thing I can do to love God, my family, and my neighbor, is to let God love me." Listen to Steve Demme's podcast.

Podcast 56: Letting God Love Us

     I am writing a book chronicling my journey of the past two years. These were the hardest years of my life and the best ones as well. They were hard because I experienced more personal sorrow and loss, but they were the best…