
In losing our life, we find our life. In dying we bear fruit.

Podcast 95: Real Men Die

       God created men to lead their families. He also created and called them to lay their lives down for their wives and children. In losing our life, we find our life. In dying we bear fruit. Join us for this sober, yet…

If I could get in a time machine, or travel though the Imagination Station at Whit’s End, I would like be with Chloe and his friend on the road to Emmaus when Jesus pointed out all the places where His coming and crucifixion were foreshadowed.

Podcast 92: Seeing Jesus In The Word

       If I could get in a time machine, or travel though the Imagination Station at Whit’s End, I would like be with Cleopas and his friend on the road to Emmaus when Jesus pointed out all the places where His coming and…

“This is the confidence that we have toward him, that if we ask anything according to his will he hears us."

Podcast 91: My Favorite Prayer Verse

       “This is the confidence that we have toward him, that if we ask anything according to his will he hears us. And if we know that he hears us in whatever we ask, we know that we have the requests that we…

Join Steve, Lisa, and Scott as they share insights and mine the wealth of Isaiah.

Podcast 90: Isaiah – Part 2

       Steve invited a guest, Lisa Mays, who is a participant in the inaugural Trek to Jerusalem which encourages personal bible reading. As part of the team, Lisa had posted a question about what to do when confronted with puzzling passages in Isaiah….

Join Steve, Lisa, and Scott as they share insights and mine the wealth of Isaiah.

Podcast 89: Isaiah – Part 1

       Steve invited a guest, Lisa Mays, who is a participant in the inaugural Trek to Jerusalem which encourages personal bible reading. As part of the team, Lisa had posted a question about what to do when confronted with puzzling passages in Isaiah….

I would love to see churches that recognize that parents are called of God to disciple their children.

Podcast 88: Encouraging A Spirit Of Honor

       I would love to see churches that recognize that parents are called of God to disciple their children. I dream of the day when the church supports parents without supplanting them. This culture begins in the way mom and dad honor each…

There are many specific ways to love our children as we have each been loved, as children of God.

Podcast 87: Honoring Parents

       There are many specific ways to love our children as we have each been loved, as children of God. I have addressed them in previous chapters. With the help of God, we seek to be meek, gentle, approachable, and encouraging. We want…

The books I am writing are to provide follow through to talks I have given at conferences.

Podcast 86: Reading, ‘Riting, with no ‘Rithmetic

       I have been busy writing books this winter. I listened to a broadcast by Elisabeth Elliot recently where she told the audience they would probably only remember one or two things she said, but her books were on the back table.  …