Esteem One Another Highly

Esteem One Another Highly

One of the most important and least discussed attributes, is the attitude of honor that emanates from the heart. We are to honor the Lord, our parents, widows, the elderly, pastors, and the emperor, but how do we do it? What is honor, how do we embody it. How do we...
A Significant Anniversary

A Significant Anniversary

On September 20, 1976 I began reading the scripture every day with the goal of reading through the bible in a calendar year. This has been the best investment of my time and the most productive discipline I have engaged in as a Christian. In this episode I discuss the...


One of the reasons I first began talking about understanding each other came from the information we learned about personalities. I had the opportunity to learn about how we are wired and it was a wonderful resource for understanding my wife and children. We all took...
Speaking The Truth With Love

Speaking The Truth With Love

When I consider speech that does not crush the spirit of the listener, I think of Jesus who is described in Matthew 12:20, “A bruised reed he will not break, and a smoldering wick he will not quench.” One of the main ways to build each other up is to create a safe...