Parents As Priests

Parents As Priests

Being a parent is a the most significant calling with the greatest long-term impact and the least amount of training. BFF280 Podcast...
God-Centered Parenting

God-Centered Parenting

“Every good and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights with Whom there is no variation or shadow due to change.” (James 1:17) BFF278 Podcast...

Family Worship – Part 7

In the podcast 35 we examined the first five possible obstacles in beginning having regular times of family worship in our homes. We will conclude with the final five today.•  I am not qualified to lead my family.•  I won’t be able to be successful.• ...

Family Worship – Part 6

In the previous 5 episodes we examined ingredients for a successful family worship experience. In this podcast we tackle potential obstacles that I had to face and that may resonate with other families.• For example, the first one is that we may not have grown up in a...