Anticipating the Welcome, Hoping to Bless
I grew up in Pittsburgh, PA but have not lived there since I went off to school. We have lived in Georgia, Massachusetts, and now across the state in SE Pennsylvania. For many of those years we would pile into our van and drive to my parent’s home for Thanksgiving.
My Mom and Dad would hoist the American flag from their front porch signaling the special occasion of our arrival. We would pull into the driveway and they would come outside to greet us with hugs and smiles and we would all unpack the van and head inside.
Since 1991 we only had to drive 250 miles across the Pennsylvania Turnpike to their home. Both my folks have passed on, but I still like driving across the state to Pittsburgh and get excited just heading in that direction. I loved going to their home and anticipated their warm and loving welcome.
I not only enjoyed seeing my folks, they were blessed seeing me. For I was their son. As much as they loved Sandi and their grandchildren, I will always be their boy. There is a bond between parents and children that never changes, regardless of how old we are.
Yesterday I was at my sacred spot where I have been meeting my Dad in a special way since August of 2014. Even though He has always met me when I draw near to Him, I still have a little angst hoping that He will continue to do so. When I sat down and sought Him, He met me again. I was blessed to sense His nearness.
As the sun was setting, I learned something new as we communed. He made me know that the way my parents felt as they anticipated the coming of our family is the same way God the Father feels when we draw near to Him. He looks forward to the times when we approach Him and enjoys our presence.
I know that I am always blessed as I draw near to God. But this is a new thought to me that He is blessed by my presence, for I am His boy.
This Thanksgiving I hope you will receive a warm embrace from your earthly folks, for I know you will be a blessing to them. And I pray that you will each sense the heart of God when you draw near to Him and know how much you mean to Him by simply being with Him.
Free Hymn
One of the resources at Building Faith Families is Hymns for Family Worship, a booklet that has sheet music and history for 62 classic hymns, as well as a three CDs with piano accompaniment.
We have included a link download a sample song in the monthly newsletter. Sign up for the newsletter to get more samples.