
A Homeschooling Anniversary and a Love for Learning

It has been 40 years since my wife and I attended our first homeschool conference. We eagerly drank in the content from speakers such as Raymond and Dorothy Moore who played a huge role in laying the foundation for home education today. Homeschooling was not…

On the Conference Trail, and a New Book

This year I have had the privilege to participate in several conventions. It is always meaningful to be together in person and either meet for the first time or reconnect with people of like precious faith. As much as I enjoy interacting with parents it…

A Deep and Penetrating Question

A Deep and Penetrating Question At the end of January, I had the privilege to speak at a homeschool discipleship day. During the last session I was asked questions which caused me to reflect and dig deep for a response. I had shared a good…

Holy-day Season

Holy-day Season Dear Friends, I hope you each experience a blessed Holy-day season of celebration and are enjoying the beginning of the New Year. January to me is when I begin reading the Word of God afresh. Today I am reading in Genesis and Matthew…

Shepherd, Lamb, MidWinter Conference

Shepherd, Lamb, MidWinter Conference I hope you each enjoyed a special time with your family during the Thanksgiving Holyday. We hosted our children and grandchildren and ate smoked Turkey for the first time, as well as the traditional ham. The weather was lovely and we…

Fighting the Good Fight of the Faith

Fighting the Good Fight of the Faith As I wrote a few months ago, I always want the content of this email to be encouraging. If you stick with me until the final paragraph, I think we can navigate some hard realities and still find…


As God helps me to faithfully read the Bible each year, I regularly receive new insights. The Word of God is indeed living and active! For example, for many years, whenever I read Luke 15, I focused on the prodigal son, the squandering of his…

Words of Life

I had just finished my workshop and opened it up for people to ask questions or give feedback. One man asked a question that I am still pondering. He was following up on a comment I had made, that many times when I leave church…

Learn more about Steve Demme's Hymns for Family Worship book and CDs.

Fellowship, Connection, and a Summer Contest

Dear Friends,       I love meeting siblings who have been adopted into the family of God. I also am blessed reconnecting with brethren who I have come to know from previous years. Attending homeschool conferences is true koinonia for me. It is an…

Comparison to Contentment

Dear Friends, I normally tell where I will be speaking at the end, but in two days I am heading for Cincinnati for this year’s GHC event. This weekend I will be doing a few new things, and if you are attending I hope you…

Gifts from Above

Ten years ago I received a great gift. I began to understand the gospel in a new way. I quit striving to earn God’s love and accepted the Word of God as true. I knew in my head that I was saved by grace, however…