“Steve Demme has had a great influence for good in our lives. Our children have benefited from his math curriculum; our marriage and parenting have benefited from his ministry to the family. Steve carries a vital message of the importance of discipleship to families across the globe. We are so thankful for him!” – Attendee in Ohio
“Steve Demme is one of the greatest joys of our annual homeschool convention. He presents his workshops – from marriage to math – with heart and humor, sending attendees away encouraged, equipped, and built up. Our convention evaluation forms are always filled with the highest praise for Steve’s message and presence. – Adrian and Jen Gorton, CHEO
“Steve’s heart for children shines through as he interacts with the kids who crowd around him at his booth in the exhibit hall. He is never hurried and always pleasant, giving testimony of Christ’s work in his life by his very actions. Steve’s humble, servant’s heart has been one of the greatest blessings we have experienced as workshop coordinators.” – Adrian and Jen Gorton, CHEO
“Very much enjoyed Steve Demme.” – Attendee in Florida
“I thoroughly enjoyed Steve Demme.”
“Steve Demme was a great keynote speaker for our convention. His servant’s heart shows through in everything he does. He truly shares from his heart and the attendees see that. He is does an excellent job encouraging attendees while keeping it real!”-Alice Paquette, FPEA
“Very informative, encouraging, “real” speaker. He communicated helpful info with humor and wisdom.” NM Parent
“Excellent message; very well delivered”
“Refreshing, insightful, and real! Many excellent ideas for my family, to learn, play, worship…together!!!”
“I love Steve’s humor & heart for learning & teaching”
“Like the way he engaged the young listeners in his talk. Very personable” Parent
“Once again, heart issues dealt with! This is so critical & appreciated.”
“I would like to highly recommend Steve Demme as a speaker for your event. Steve has spoken at the CAPE-NM Home School Convention and the CAPE Fall Family Leadership Retreat. He is very well received. Steve has a heart for families to draw close to one another and above all close to the Lord. Lorna Shaw, CAPE, NM
“Having Steve Demme join us at our annual homeschool conference is like having a friend come to town! Steve joins right in with the families, welcoming everyone with a big smile and handshake! 🙂 You can just feel the energy and excitement in the vendor hall, in the lunch line or in the lobby, following Steve wherever he goes!” – Cathy Muscara, SEARCH of PA
“Mr. Demme’s transparency will have a lasting impression on our family.” AZ Parent
“Hearing from a parent of a special needs child (Steve Demme) was so helpful to me as a parent with a special needs child.”
“Steve Demme was fantastic. He is entertaining, efficient, and passionate.”
“It’s great how Steve Demme makes himself available to talk to parents and kids during the convention. The kids loved getting their picture taken with Mr. Demme!”