25 More Hymns for Family Worship

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Building Faith and Family strongly encourages families to make time for regular family devotions. When our boys were younger, we found singing—and occasionally memorizing— hymns as a family to be a rich addition to our worship experience. We were particularly drawn to hymns which have stood the test of time and are rich in scriptural truth.

As we learn more about the history and background of these anointed songs of worship, we are encouraged by the author’s inspiring and personal story. Each song is a testimony which inspires us on our own journey and aids in our worship.

It is our hope that this new addition of 25 hymns to our original collection of 100 classic hymns will assist your family in learning these timeless classics and singing them together in your home, car, or church.

All Creatures of Our God and King (.MP3)
All Glory, Laud, and Honor (.MP3)
Awake, My Soul, in Joyful Lays (.MP3)
Come, Every One Who is Thirsty (.MP3)
Glorious Things of Thee Are Spoken (.MP3)
God of Our Fathers (.MP3)
Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah (.MP3)
Hail to the Lord’s Anointed (.MP3)
Hallelujah, What a Savior (.MP3)
Have Thine Own Way (.MP3)
I Belong to the King (.MP3)
I Have Found a Friend in Jesus (.MP3)
I Need Thee Every Hour (.MP3)
May Jesus Christ be Praised (.MP3)
My Faith Looks Up to Thee (.MP3)
O Love that Will Not Let Me Go (.MP3)
Praise Him Jesus Our Blessed Redeemer (.MP3)
Praise the Savior (.MP3)
Sabbath Worship (.MP3)
Standing on the Promises (.MP3)
Stand Up for Jesus (.MP3)
Sweet Hour of Prayer (.MP3)
The Lord is King! (.MP3)
The Lord's My Shepherd (.MP3)
There’s a Wideness in God’s Mercy (.MP3)

Piano accompaniments for the 125 Hymns (same as on the CDs) are available for streaming/download in five volumes on various music platforms. Search for "Building Faith and Family," "Building Faith Families," or "Hymns for Family Worship." Costs may vary depending on the platform and your subscription status.

You can download the scores here.