The Culmination of the 40 Day Challenge
I have already begun hearing from some of you about your experience meeting together as a family for the past 40 days. Here is what one family shared:
“Praise God we were able to complete all 40 days! And plan on continuing 40 more days, and then some. Hope you have a great weekend!”
Now that the contest is completed (as of midnight tonight), send me your name, address, and how many days you met together out of 40. If you could add a testimonial of your experience having family worship, that would be lovely.
We work on the honor system. You will be contacted by one of our Customer Service Reps to see how you would like to redeem your award.
Here is the list of prizes: For those who met as a family 40 Days:
The reward for each of your families is $40.00 worth of Math-U-See, Spelling You See, or Building Faith Families resources listed below.
For those who met as a family between 30-39 Days:
The reward for each of your families is $25.00 worth of Math-U-See, Spelling You See, or Building Faith Families resources listed below.
For those who met as a family between 20-29 Days:
The reward for each of your families is $20.00 worth of Math-U-See, Spelling You See, or Building Faith Families resources listed below.
For those who met as a family between 10-19 Days:
The reward for each of your families is $15.00 worth of Math-U-See, Spelling You See, or Building Faith Families resources listed below.
For those who met as a family between 1-9 Days:
The reward for each of your families is $10.00 worth of Math-U-See, Spelling You See, or Building Faith Families resources listed below.
Sign up for the Building Faith Families newsletter to get Steve's messages sent to you monthly.
Image by Paul O'Rear, via Flickr.